Monday, January 16, 2017

Matters Of Ancient Greece Persia

By Gregory Cooper

This is a documentation of wars that occurred that occurred between 492-449 BCE. The states of Greece participated and Persia in the wars. The fights lasted for a period of almost half a century. There were two major invasions that were really concentrated. They were centered on the superiority of cultures. They were intended to ensure the survival of a culture. Studying Ancient Greece Persia will assist you to understand how the Greeks became superior.

In the year 500 BCE, some city-states of Greeks rose against Persia forming a rebellion. The uprising started from the western coast and was mounted against the Persian. The revolt that lasted for around six years was known as Ionian revolt. The uprising backfired after the six-year period. However, the effects of the uprising were significant.

In 492 BCE, King Darius launched an offensive confrontation on the Greeks which unfortunately ended up in loss of combatants in a terrible tempest. The brawl resulted in mass deaths as it was ferocious. The Persians were weakened with consistent huge deaths of their warriors in battles that ensued. They finally lost to their adversary and were forced to be an inferior society.

It is ridiculous that the whole confrontation was never initiated by the winners. It is the losers who had an intention of ruling the winners by assimilating them into their culture and state. The winners adopted patterns that were unique and calculated to cut the influence of their opponents short. There existed three structures; the Phalanx, Cavalry, and Archers. The Phalanx displayed bravery and won the hostilities.

Alexander the Great is the man who is accredited victory. He led an invasion that ensured the other Kings never dominated over his state. Greece was to be made part of Persian Empire but their configuration and tactics failed them. Greece had dominance in the confrontation. Their culture was acknowledged to be superior. This made it a superior state.

The combatants were normally ferried in ships when they headed to fight. They were known as hoplites. They could be carried in the twenties in vessels. They engaged in the brawls while still on their vessels. Thorough training contributed to that triumph they got. Young warriors received training while partially naked in extreme weather to harden them. They had tools to reap produce they carried on hauls.

While the soldiers were in the field marching, instructions were sent through blowing of horns and trumpets. Armor was made by gluing cloth together in layers to make it thick. This was a measure that was cheaper than the metallic shield. Gluing was done to make the shirts stiff. Spartans spent their time in religious festivals instead of joining the Greeks in war.

When the war came to an end, the generals submitted a shield to a temple as thanksgiving to gods. The shields that were submitted have since been discovered. The soldiers of winners sang and danced to tunes of trumpets and flutes. Very long spears that were over six feet were characteristic of this combat. The food was also carried in bags.

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